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FAQ - Protected Areas

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1. How to conduct research in a Protected Area such as Taman Negara and Wildlife Reserves in Peninsular Malaysia?
The researcher can get the application forms from Headquaters, Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) Peninsular Malaysia, Km. 10 Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur. The form must be completed in full and submitted to the Director General DWNP Peninsular Malaysia with the following;
i)The researcher proposal containing the objective of the research, scope, methodology, conceptual definitions, location and schedule of research.
ii)Official letter from the university / agencies supporting the research.
iii)List of research assistants and their respective curriculum vitae.
iv)The reseracher may be requested to present the research proposal to the Research Committee of the Department for consideration and approval.
2. What is a Ramsar site and how many are there in the peninsular?
RAMSAR footprint is concerned for the conservation of waterbirds and wetland.
There are four RAMSAR site in Peninsular Malaysia, the Tasek Bera is managed by the DWNP and for the Pulau Kukup, Tanjung Piai and Sungai Pulai is managed by the Johor State Park Corporation .
Tasek Bera is located in Pahang with an area of 31.255 hectares and was established in 2007. The area has been gazetted under the Forestry Act and managed by the Wildlife and National Parks department is integrated with other departments melibatlan Department of Forestry, Department of Aboriginal Development (JAKOA) and the Department of Environment (DOE).
Kukup is located in the south-western part of Iskandar Malaysia.  This 647-hectare island, designated as a Ramsar site on 31 January 2003, is also a Johor State Park. Pulau Kukup is an uninhabited mangrove island located 1 km from the south-western tip of the Malaysian peninsula.
Tanjung Piai, located to the south of Pulau Kukup, is also a State Park designated as a Ramsar site on 31 January 2003.  The site boasts of coastal mangroves and intertidal mudflats located at the southernmost tip of continental Asia - features that are especially important for protection from sea-water intrusion and coastal erosion.
Sungai Pulai is the third Ramsar site in Iskandar Malaysia, also designated on 31 January 2003.  Sungai Pulai is the largest riverine mangrove system in the state of Johor, located at the estuary of the Sungai Pulai.
3. What is protected area?
Protected area is an area declared under Part V of the Wildlife Conservation Act, Act 716 of 2010 which covers wildlife reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. There are a total of 35 protected areas covering an area of 714,253 hectares throughout Peninsular Malaysia are gazetted to be managed by the Department as well as enforce the law in that area
4. What activities are not permitted in protected areas?
In the protected areas are not allowed to interfere with or remove all objects that are there whether the soil, rocks, wildlife or plants. To enter this area also need to obtain permission first.

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Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) 
Peninsular Malaysia
Km 10, Jalan Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-90866800       Fax : 03-90752873
Email : webmaster[at]wildlife[dot]gov[dot]my
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