1. Are there any accommodation in Taman Negara Pahang, Kuala Tahan if I intent to stay overnight in Taman Negara?
For booking and enquiry on accommodation, activities, tours and guides, you can communicate directly with Mutiara Taman Negara Resort which is located at the park HQ via their website: www.mutiarahotels.com or you can reach them by calling 609-266 2200 /609-266 3500, or fax to 609-266 1500.
You can also contact the DWNP office in Kuala Tahan for more information. Tel: 609-266 1122, fax: 609-266 4110 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alternatively, you can search the internet for "Taman Negara" to get other options outside the park HQ area nearby - range of options in price. Some contact information are as listed:
Rainforest Resort : 609-2667888/7637 Woodland Resort : 609-2661111 Persona Village Resort : 609-2662036 Ekoton Chalet : 609-2669897 Agoh Chalet : 609-2669570 Liana Hostel : 609-2669322 Tahan Guest House : 609-2667752 Nusa Camp :609-2662369 Travellers' Home : 609-2667766 Durian Chalet : 609-2668940 Teresek View : 609-2669744 Park Lodge : 609-2669570/6012-9832074
2. What are the charges if I want to enter and carry out activities in Taman Negara?
For your information, Taman Negara straddles across three states in Peninsular Malaysia and consists of Taman Negara Pahang, Taman Negara Terengganu and Taman Negara Kelantan. Visitors can enter Taman Negara via four designated entry points namely Taman Negara Pahang Kuala Tahan at south (the oldest and most well established ecotourism destination), Taman Negara Pahang Sungai Relau, Merapoh at west; Taman Negara Kelantan Kuala Koh at north and Taman Negara Terengganu Tanjong Mentong via Lake Kenyir.
Visitors will require a permit, which is issued upon arrival (RM1.00) and visitors with cameras
3. We want to climb Gunung Tahan at the end of this year. What do you suggest we do for this purpose?
Please contact the DWNP Taman Negara Pahang office at Kuala Tahan or Sungai Relau, Merapoh well ahead to inform them of your intention to climb Gunung Tahan. August and September is peak season and it is limited to 48 climbers a day. They will help you arrange for a guide (which is mandatory). It is a 7 day climb if you start from Kuala Tahan and get down in Merapoh. You can also do it the other way around. For a shorter trek, you can make a return trip from Merapoh, which will take 5 days.
For your information, trail to Gunung Tahan will be closed 15 November until 15 January the following year due to bad weather conditions and also for trail maintenance and rehabilitation.
4. Is Taman Negara opens all year round?
Taman Negara is open throughout the year to visitors. However several activities will be restricted due to weather conditions especially during the monsoon season at the end of the year.
5. What are the activities that can be undertaken at Taman Negara Pahang, Kuala Tahan?
a) The "must see / must do" at Taman Negara is the trail to the canopy walkway and the walkway itself - a hanging bridge among the tall emerging rainforest trees.
b) From there, there is an easy climb up to Teresek Hill for a good view and a feel of the rainforest.
c) Also Taman Negara is the home to the nomadic Batek aboriginal people, and visitors can visit their village by taking a boat and a guide.
d) The experience of a boat cruise on Tahan river is an unforgettable one, as you can observe the scenic view of the pristine forest enveloping the river while passing through rapids and hanging ferns.
e) Taman Negara is a paradise and a renown destination for bird watching
f) One famous destination along Tahan River is Lata Berkoh cascades where you can swim in the cool waters amidst large boulders in the middle of the rainforest.
g) For some adventure, try caving in Gua Telinga to see a natural cave and experience being surrounded by bats!
h) Talk to your guide to find out about other activities if you are planning a long stay there.
i) You may also stay overnight in the various hides in the jungles of Taman Negara, it costs RM5 per person and is on a first come first serve basis. Please register and pay at the Department of Wildlife and National Park's information counter upon arrival. Generally, Kumbang hide is recommended for those interested in a longer jungle trek into the deep forest with more chances of viewing wildlife at night with a powerful torchlight.
j) Of course there are many other trails into the forest of Taman Negara, if you wish to do some trekking.
k) The best way to plan your activities would be to discuss with your nature guide upon arrival to plan your activities based on your interest, ability and time available.
6. What activities can be carried out in Taman Negara Kelantan, Kuala Koh?
The activities in Taman Negara Kelantan, Kuala Koh are fishing, jungle trekking, bird watching, a walk on the canopy walkway, river tubing, canoeing, boat cruise and night walk. There are chalets and dormitories available for overnight stay.
For information and booking of accommodation and activities / guide please contact Nik Nora, manager of Taman Negara Kuala Koh Resort at 012-965 4788.
7. Can I make a reservation for overnight stay in the Taman Negara Pahang hides through telephone, facsimile or via email for wildlife observation?
Only some of the hides have overnight accommodation. Since the hide accommodation is limited, you can book them upon arrival and it costs RM5 per person per day and is on a first come first serve basis. Please register and pay at the Department's Taman Negara information counter upon arrival.
8. If I want to visit Penang National Park, what are the fees charged for carrying out the activities in this area?
Since this is relatively a new national park, there is no entrance fee charged. However, visitors do have to register at the DWNP' park counter upon arrival.
9. Are there any public transportation from Jerantut to Taman Negara Pahang Kuala Tahan?
There are taxis and a public bus service between Jerantut and Kuala Tahan. However, it is advisable to start early in the day and give ample time to use these service.
10. How do I go to Taman Negara Pahang, Sungai Relau, Merapoh?
Sungai Relau, Merapoh is relatively a new entry point to Taman Negara Pahang and the most preferred route to climb Gunung Tahan. It is on the western side of Taman Negara, about 7km from the small town of Merapoh, Pahang halfway point along the main road from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu. Visitors can take the train from Singapore, Johor Bahru, Gemas and Kota Baru but may have to disembark at Gua Musang since not all trains stop at the Merapoh) Station. The nearest town is Gua Musang (30km). If you decided to travel by train, you can take a train from Singapore in the evening and expected to reach Merapoh station early in the morning the next day.
One way to get there is to take an express bus to Gua Musang and and make sure you have arranged a guide to receive you.
You could also drive all the way to Sungai Relau. From Kuala Lumpur - Kuantan Highway, exit Bentong and follow the road sign to Bentong town, Raub and Kuala Lipis and follow the road to Gua Musang/ Kota Bharu. At Merapoh, look for the signboard that shows Taman Negara Sungai Relau on the right side of the main road.
11. Is there any accommodation in Penang National Park?
Penang National Park caters daily visits only. There is no accommodation available at the Penang
National Park. However, you can stay at several hotels located within Batu Feringgi and Teluk Bahang.
12. How do I go to Taman Negara Pahang Kuala Tahan quickly?
The easiest / fastest way to Taman Negara is by car/taxi / rented / chartered vehicle from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Tahan, Jerantut. The drive there takes about 4 hours. Alternatively you could take one of the daily bus service from Istana Hotel to Kuala Tahan. You would have to contact Mutiara Taman Negara at www.mutiarahotels.com or you can reach them by calling 609-266 2200 / 609-266 3500.
13. Other than travel by boat to Kuala Tahan from Kuala Tembeling, is there any road to Kuala Tahan?
If you are a first timer to Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, it would be interesting to take the 3-hour boat ride from Kuala Tembeling to Kuala Tahan. You would have to contact Mutiara Taman Negara at www.mutiarahotels.com or you can reach them by calling 609-266 2200 / 609-266 3500. However, you can drive straight to Kuala Tahan and there are parking facilities around the area. You would have to take a short 5 minute boat trip to cross the Tembeling River to enter the Park HQ and explore Taman Negara.
14. Do the Department of Wildlife and National Parks provide or rent camping equipment to carry out activities while in Taman Negara?
For you information, the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) or the Taman Negara Superintendent do not provide any renting of camping equipment for the visitors. It is advisable for you to bring your personal equipment or you can look for this equipment at the resorts or several private outlets in Kuala Tahan.
15. I would like to visit Taman Negara Pahang Kuala Tahan for three days. Are there any forest trails that I can trek in within the time?
There are several jungle trails in Taman Negara Pahang that you can enjoy during your three days stay in Taman Negara. For more details on trails for your three days trek, you can discuss with the nature guides when you arrived at Taman Negara. It is advisable for you to book a guide for a long distance trails The Taman Negara information centre officer will assist you in finding a nature guide during your three days trekking in Taman Negara.
16. Are there any accommodation managed by the Government in Taman Negara Pahang Kuala Tahan?
There is no government-run accommodation in Taman Negara Pahang Kuala Tahan as the Department of Wildlife and National Parks has outsourced all the accommodations, activities, tours and guides in Taman Negara to Mutiara Taman Negara Resorts.
For booking and enquiry on accommodation, activities, tours and guides, you can communicate directly with Mutiara Taman Negara Resort which is located at the park HQ via their website: www.mutiarahotels.com or you can reach them by calling 609-266 2200 /609-266 3500, or fax to 609-266 1500. You can also contact the DWNP office in Kuala Tahan for more information. Tel: 609 - 266 1122 fax: 609 - 2664110 ;email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
17. Do the activities provided at the park safe for all ages, including children?
For your information, some activities in the park have been designed to meet the recreational needs of tourists of all ages. However, these activities need guidance from parents or adults to ensure the safety and enjoyment of the activity. The Taman Negara Management regularly make a routine check on all activities in the park to ensure the safety and suitability of each activity to be carried out by tourist.