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FAQ - Exsitu Conservation

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1. How do I start a commercial breeding farm of a protected wildlife?

The commercial breeders should have a suitable land area and adequate capital. Application forms are available from the state DWNP offices or from the department's website. Once the forms are filled and submitted to the DWNP state Director, an evaluation and a site visit will be conducted by officers from the state DWNP. The application forms would then be extended to the DWNP headquarters for the final evaluation. If justified and endorsed, the application would be forwarded to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment for approval by the Minister.


2. What is the DNA works carried out by the Department?

The DNA work carried out by DWNP focus on establishing DNA fingerprints for wildlife species in the country which would help in identifying whole and parts of a specimens. This is important in conservation as well as enforcement work carried out by DWNP. The DNA work is also use to establish the sex of birds even when they are still chicks. The Department is also developing new molecular techniques for paternity test and also individual identification of wildlife species.


3. How DNA technology can help in the management and conservation of wildlife in Malaysia?

In Wildlife Management:

  1. Species identification of wildlife parts in enforcement cases.
  2. Identification of origin and population of the wildlife species.
  3. Sex identification in chick or young animals for captive breeding.

In Wildlife Conservation:

  1. Quantification of the genetic structure in wildlife population. Genetic enhancement can be done to a population with low genetic diversity by introducing new blood line and can be applied to both captive and wild population.
  2. Identification of unique populations, new species or subspecies which should be managed as separate management units.
  3. Invasive sampling: DNA can be extracted from dung, feather or any genetic material left by animals.                  

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Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) 
Peninsular Malaysia
Km 10, Jalan Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-90866800       Fax : 03-90752873
Email : webmaster[at]wildlife[dot]gov[dot]my
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<a href="https://www.data.gov.my/data/ms_MY/dataset/lokasi-pusat-ekopelan <a splwpk-electronic-archive="splwpk-electronic-archive" href="https://www.wildlife.gov.my/index.php/pengumuman/466-panggilan-temuduga-jawatan-kontrak-renjer-hidupan-liar/"