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Sungai Puteh Hill Wildlife Reserve, Kuala Lumpur/ Selangor

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The reserve of the secondary forest with an area of 40 hectares was established in 1923 where parts of its area are overlapping with Sungai Puteh Forest Reserve. It is located between Kuala Lumpur-Kajang main road with an area of 4 hectares within the Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory and the rest is under Selangor. Parts of the reserve are managed by other agencies. The headquarters of Department of Wildlife and National Park is located in this area.

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Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) 
Peninsular Malaysia
Km 10, Jalan Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-90866800       Fax : 03-90752873
Email : webmaster[at]wildlife[dot]gov[dot]my
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