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Penang National Park

How to get to Penang National Park

Penang National Park is located at the northwest corner of Penang Island overlook the Straits of Malacca. The park is about 390 km from Kuala Lumpur and about 42 km from Georgetown, Penang. By own transport, drive through the North South Expressway, exit at the junction of Penang Bridge. Follow the road towards the direction of Batu Feringghi and continues to Teluk Bahang. Administrative Office of the Penang National Park is located at Jalan Hassan Abbas. Public transport to Teluk Bahang available at ferry terminal / KOMTAR or may use taxi or bus services provided.


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Lodging service is concentrated at famous tourist spots - Batu Feringghi and Teluk Bahang. Visitors can also camp at campsite in Penang National Park.



Interpretation Centre
  • Introduction to Taman Negara Pulau Pinang and its ecosystems
  • Camp sites at Pantai Kerachut and Teluk Kampi
Wildlife Observation
  • Wild life can be observed such as Black Giant Squirrel, Smooth-coated Otter, Lesser Mouse-deer, Pangolin, Reticulated Python and several species of birds such as White-bellied Sea Eagle, White-throated King Fisher, White-rumped Shama and Emerald Dove
Canopy walkway
  • 210 meters stretch of the canopy walkaway located at Sg. Tukun approximately 15 minutes walking distance from the main entrance
  • The charge are RM5.00 for adult and RM3.00 for children
             *Temporarily closed for maintenance 
Water Activities
  • Boat Cruising along the beaches
  • Pantai Kerachut and Pantai Teluk Kampi
  • Pantai Kerachut and Pantai Teluk Kampi
Jungle Trekking
  • 2 main treks starting from the main entrance:
    • To Pantai Kerachut – approximately 2 hours
    • To Pantai Teluk kampi -  approximately 3 hours
  • There are over 1000 species of plants recorded which are dominated by the Family Dipterocarpaceae, Leguminoceae, Apocynaceae, Anacardiaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Moraceae
  • Hiking to Bukit Batu Hitam
  • Water source from the rain reserve
  • Campsite facilities provided
Muka Head Lighthouse
  • Enjoy panoramic view from lighthouse
  • 227 meters above sea level.
Turtle Conservation Centre
  • Visit the Turtle Conservation Centre, Pantai Kerachut managed by Department of Fisheries
  • 2 main species can be found are Green Sea Turtle and Olive Ridley Turtle
  • Visiting hour from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Visit to Meromictic Lake
  • The lake that located at Pantai Kerachut consists of 2 layers of water which has different temperature and density. Fresh water will be at the first layer while sea water will be at the second layer.
  • Only two lakes in the world that experience these phenomenon which are in Penang and Australia.


Visitors Limitation

Pantai Kerachut 80
Teluk Kampi 80
Sungai Tukun 40
First Campsite Bukit Batu Hitam 20


For more information, please contact:

Penang National Park
Jalan Hassan Abbas, Teluk Bahang
Tel: 04-881 3530 / 04-881 3500
Faks: 04-881 2016
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Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) 
Peninsular Malaysia
Km 10, Jalan Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-90866800       Fax : 03-90752873
Email : webmaster[at]wildlife[dot]gov[dot]my
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